Do you struggle with calming your nervous horse? Are you experiencing anxiety or loss of confidence? Almost to the verge of giving up ... don't give up just yet!

Let Us Help You Transform Your Relationship With Your Equine Partner

Without The Anxiety Of Choosing the Wrong 'Method' ...

Transform Your Connection with Horses!

Embrace our simple principles to build an

amazing relationship with YOUR horse!

Learn the secrets that helped inspire my own little crossbreds and traumatized racetrack rejects to overcome their pasts and outperform better bred horses, so YOU can:

  • Inspire your horse’s trust and calm your nervous horse

  • Create a willing partner and overcome your fears

  • Get out of tight spots and avoid shut down & frustration

  • Create confidence and flow 

  • Avoid tension that can lead to explosive behaviours like rearing or bolting 

  • And change how your horse feels about seeing you!

Join Our Course: From Amateur to magician Making magic with horses!

Empowering Horse Lovers through Horsecraft and HeartMath Mastery!

... you can be a part of something special as it grows - sign up TODAY for our transformative program.

What is Horsecraft?

We will look at the definition of good horsemanship across the disciplines and the common threads and attributes of good Horsecraft practitioners

A few of our Guiding Principles:

✅ Do the best you can with what you know.

✅ Then when you know better, do better.

✅ Take life lightly and enjoy the ride.

✅ Test yourself. Test your horse. Test your relationship, but realize that there will be limitations as you learn and grow. Find satisfaction in all of the little steps along the way. If you feel it, your horse will too.

The learning combines traditional horsemanship, with science-backed exercises and stories of our own successes and failures over the years, to help you develop the instincts and environment your horse needs to thrive and connect with you.

Good Bye Confusion, Hello Clarity!

We've got you! THIS , is what you need to know about horses if you want to make magic with them.

Meet FROM AMATEUR TO MAGICIAN - MAKING MAGIC WITH HORSES : the roadmap and recipe YOU need to understand the equine species, gain confidence as an equine steward, and create a relationship of mutual benefit. MAGIC!


Your horse will be happier to see you, easier to catch and a more confident, engaged partner. Magic!


Your horse will stand calmly for procedures with the vet and farrier.


You will both gain confidence as you allow your horse the freedom to think and use its athleticism without constant restriction.


Your horse will trust your leadership and thank you with improved responsiveness at home AND at shows!


Create the energy, confidence and impulsion to overcome fears and obstacles, both real and imagined


You will be able to calm your anxious horse and provide them with a sense of safety in all kinds of situations.

Success stories from previous participants:

"Whenever I need any kind of help with horses, Paige is the first person I reach out to. She has always been good with the hotter/sensitive horses and we share the same beliefs on how to treat horses and approach them. I have huge respect for Chuck and Paige and what they have accomplished. I couldn’t think of better people to coach me along my journey with horses."

Sarah Corbeil

"I learned so much from you!"

" I learned so much from you! Not only because of your amazing and infinite riding and horsemanship skills, but also due to your kindness, desire to help others, work ethic and incredible spirit and zest for life. Thank you for being a part of my life during those crucial formative years. I couldn’t think of better people to coach me along my journey with horses."

~ Cara Shamess, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

"Love Paige Lockton not only is she an advocate for the horse but as a person she is authentic and non-judgemental, all of which we need these days! A fab morning for me auditing. She carries beautiful heart and soul which make her a precious find in a world of "who's the best!" Thank you Paige"

~ Krystyna Faroe, French River O

Thank you so much for creating the Magic of Horsecraft course. To be honest, due to my experience dealing with horses that had been subjected to “natural horsemanship”, I was reserved and doubtful about the matter and concept. Another hurdle was that video classes are simply not my cup of tea.

So, I fast forwarded through the videos, but got hooked when reviewing the printed material attached to each module.

Your course resonated with my approach to horses and confirmed the few things I had learned by reading work geared towards horse brain and behaviour, and from my early equestrian “childhood” mentors in France and Germany (1980s to 1990s). These teachings were questioned as “being soft, don’t have that time, voodoo etc” and dismissed when I moved to Canada in the 2000s, and I tried to fit into that competitive dressage circle.

But, until the in person clinic and meeting you in person, I had not realized how my own idiosyncrasies were affecting the little thoroughbred I have today. My previous horses were either more secure or more forgiving. Or, did I really bring them to become the best they could be?

I am truly kicking myself for not watching the videos in full, so, I am going back to them. And for a giggle, after “debriefing” with my daughter post-clinic, we decided to challenge ourselves and went to the barn to be both taking care of Vie at lesson time (a situation that would usually bring out Vie’s tension). Being both aware of ourselves and congruent, we had the most chill and happy Vie we’ve had to date in that situation and my daughter was able to ride/play with 0 stress.

Mireille Voisin, Sudbury, Ontario

Can We Really Achieve Harmony & Connection?

Yes, there is a way to confidently sift between disparate training methods and choose pros that align with your horse's best interests without confusion and overwhelm.

Yes, there is a way to know what your horse is thinking and feeling without being wildly off base or doubting yourself.

Yes, there is a way to train your horse to 'listen' without upgrading bits, using harsher gadgets, or feeling like a drill seargeant.

Yes, there is a way to develop your instincts and react more appropriately without the fear of looking silly in front of your horsey peers.

Inside Horsecraft 101 You'll Learn:

How horses evolved as a prey species and how that affects their instincts.

How to react in stressful situations in a way that supports equine instincts and worldview.

How to be seen as a trustworthy leader in your horse's eyes.

How to ease tension by embracing elastic thinking and movement.

Learn the principle that ALL Magicians of Horsecraft use to gain their horse’s confidence, get them out of tight spots - and make Magic with their horses!

What the heck our motto ‘Never Holler Whoa in a Tight Spot’ means, and the endless ways to apply it!

We partner with each client we work with

to achieve these steps in this exact order:

Module 1

Define Horsecraft

Learn to see the common threads that define ALL the Magicians in the world of Horsecraft and choose a pro with confidence. We'll cover our guiding principles to help you define good Horsecraft across the disciplines.

Module 2

Never Holler 'WHOA!" in a Tight Spot

Understand the importance of Mobility and Equine Awareness when accommodating their needs. Learn how to apply our motto; 'Never Holler Whoa in a Tight Spot' to help you gain your horse's trust in ALL kinds of situations.

Module 3

The World Through Your Horse's Eyes And Ears

Being able to see the world as your horse sees it is powerful. You can give them what they need, when they need it! You'll be able adapt their environment to better suit them, react appropriately in challenging situations, and create a better experience for you BOTH!

Module 4

Social Butterflies

Understand how equine evolution as a prey species affects their underlying need for socialization and movement - essential knowledge to create a species appropriate environment and ensure happy, healthy horses that are ready for your shenanigans!

Module 5

What's That You're Neighing?

Horses use more than just body language to convey meaning and messages - learn how they read energy, so you can, too! A whole new new level of communication is out there. Here is one of the keys to moving from a blunderer in the world of Horsecraft, to a Magician. 'Speak horse and enter'.

Module 6


Understanding our easy-to-digest version of Polyvagal Theory will help you discern between a 'shutdown' horse in 'freeze mode', and a calm, compliant horse. You'll understand how to elicit freeze mode ethically in emergencies, and how to choose methods that are better aligned when possible.

Module 7

Thoughts on Equine Thinking

In this module you will learn how horses think so you can engage your horse in learning and choose trainers whose methods align with their best interest.

Module 8

Now That We Know Better, Do Better

Gain confidence and clarity in your role of equine stewardship and become a Horsecraft Magician.

Module 9

Personalize Your Recipe

In this module we put it all together ... so you can
define Horsecraft on your own terms. Exercises and reflections to solidify the learning.

*Includes lifetime access to all trainings for

ONE payment of $397 today

Bonus ONE

Exercise #1

HeartMath 4 Horse Lovers

Quick Coherence Breathing Technique

Sign up and receive this bonus video where I share my HeartMath 4 Horse Lovers breathing technique to help you achieve coherence and congruence, access your instincts, and foster a state of safety and connection with YOUR horse!

Bonus TWO

Exercise #2

Setting Masterful Boundaries with Carmen Theobald

Join my colleague, farrier and Master Eponaquest instructor CARMEN THEOBALD, for exclusive access to a video where she shares the patented Eponaquest assertiveness formula so you can see what healthy boundaries can look like.



A safe space to learn, grow and change ...

Join me for exclusive content within our online Community - Wizards of Horsecraft and with a free membership to my Substack account, including blogs and podcast interviews with the world's most resilient and accomplished horse people. Learn how they created magic with horses and overcame obstacles in their lives for inspiration that ANYTHING is possible, and YOU CAN DO IT TOO!

Bonus FOUR

Exercise #3 'I SEE YOU!'

An exercise to help you foster connection and atunement with YOUR horse!

Join me as we unpack how you can SEE your horse the way he/she sees you! We will go over how you can foster the connection with your horse and be in tune with him/her.

*Includes lifetime access to all trainings for one low payment of $397 today

Be the leader your horse needs and get one step closer to MAGIC!

My name is Paige Lockton, and as an International competitor in the sport of Three-Day Eventing; just a regular girl who came from a small Northern town; I had to learn to make the most of the horses I had. Without money for a string of EASY, athletic, well-trained horses … I had to get creative! To pay for my career in international Eventing, I rode confirmed bolters, anxious mares, and rearing stallions - horses that no one else wanted get on.

“Send it to that long-legged Canadian - SHE’LL RIDE IT! She’ll ride ANYTHING!”

Thankfully, growing up as the daughter of a veterinarian endowed me with an innate ability to calm traumatized animals.

I know what it takes to inspire trust, and create willing partners who are happy to see you at the gate and outperform better bred horses!

I also taught keen adult amateurs from non-horsey families and witnessed them struggle to develop ‘feel’ and the relationship of mutual trust they dreamed of. So often, they just didn’t understand the species, so their reactions were all wrong!

Their intentions were good, but they were unwittingly causing tension that too often ended in rearing, refusals, and losing confidence by the day. I helped them through their frustration as they grappled with assimilating conflicting ‘methods’ between horse pros.

In this unregulated industry where anyone can hang their hat, I have seen EVERYTHING! Where do you start and how do you know who to trust? I get it. No wonder you are confused!

In fact, I struggled with this, too. Over the decades, I was lucky to learn from the best horse people from across the disciplines … but it wasn’t easy! It was confusing to assimilate all of their methods and approaches.

I filtered my learning through my Dad’s lens – a revered vet and horseman  – and together we figured out how to gel methodologies and philosophies. We found the ONE THING that ALL the Magicians in the world of Horsecraft agreed on.

Here, we share the first thing you need to know to help YOU develop your instincts, build trust, be the leader your horse needs, and improve your horse-human relationship. It's a philosophy we live by with horses ... AND LIFE!

Paige Lockton-Wilde

The Magic of Horsecraft


When You Join Me Right Now!

Option 1 - One time Payment Group Coaching


  • Lifetime access to content

  • 9 hrs of Masterful Horsecraft, Engaging video based Modules

  • Downloadable PDF's with resources and tips

  • Copies of the slide decks

  • Membership to our Online Community for support and bonus content

  • Opportunities to attend LIVE Podcast recordings and ask our expert guests questions

  • 9 One on One Coaching Calls with Paige

  • Whatsapp Access To Paige on Business Hours ET time.

  • BONUS: Live online group coaching

  • BONUS: 3 Bonus Lessons

  • BONUS: 1 year The Magic of Horsecraft Substack Membership to my Blog and Podcast platform

Option 2 - Three Split Payment Group Coaching

$135 x's 3

  • Lifetime access to content

  • 9 hrs of Masterful Horsecraft. Engaging video based Modules

  • Downloadable PDF's with resources and tips

  • Copies of the slide decks

  • Membership to our Online Community for support and bonus content

  • Opportunities to attend LIVE Podcast recordings and ask our expert guests questions

  • 9 One on One Coaching Calls with Paige

  • Whatsapp Access To Paige on Business Hours ET time.

  • BONUS: Live online group coaching

  • BONUS: 3 Bonus Lessons

  • BONUS: 1 year The Magic of Horsecraft Substack Membership to my Blog and Podcast platform

Option 3 - The Elite Membership


  • Lifetime access to content

  • 9 hrs of Masterful Horsecraft. Engaging video based Modules

  • Downloadable PDF's with resources and tips

  • Copies of the slide decks

  • Membership to our Online Community for support and bonus content

  • Opportunities to attend LIVE Podcast recordings and ask our expert guests questions

  • Whatsapp Access To Paige on Business Hours ET time.

  • 9 One on One Coaching Calls with Paige

  • BONUS: Live online group coaching

  • BONUS: 3 Bonus Lessons

  • BONUS: 1 year The Magic of Horsecraft Substack Membership to my Blog and Podcast platform

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You're fully protected by our 100% guarantee. If you're in any way unhappy with this program, I'll personally reimburse your investment, no questions asked.

What Others Say About Paige...

"Now that I know what I know - I can

filter the advice of horse pros with confidence ... and make a bit of magic with my horses, on my own."

“I used to be so confused. I didn’t know whose methods to follow or who to trust. My horse was sour and fed up. Now that I know what I know - I can filter the advice of horse pros with confidence, and know if they know their stuff! In fact, Paige and Chuck helped me understand horses and make a bit of magic with my horses, on my own. I gained confidence and clarity. Thanks, Paige and Chuck!”

~ Lucie Simpson, Ontario, Canada

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is From Amateur to Magician | Making Magic with Horses?

From Amateur to Magician | Making Magic with Horses is a powerful system for helping adult amateurs from a non-horsey family who are seeking understanding and connection, improve their human-horse relationship in just 6 weeks without conflicting data, confusion, or limited access to help, so they can finally understand how and why horses think and react the way they do, and create a relaxed and confident relationship.

So if you want the recipe to help YOU make magic with YOUR horse, become the steward your horse deserves, and create a relaxed and confident relationship, look no further!

How does it work?

My approach is based on the core belief that there are three elements required for success for anyone serious about increasing their human/horse relationship:CommitmentYou have to be 100% “all in,” serious about taking action, and motivated to get unstuck and achieve your goals. Without commitment, no one will ever be able to make a lasting change!


Instead of spending days, weeks, months, or even YEARS searching, clicking, and scrambling to put together all the pieces required for success, you must follow a proven system, roadmap, or path from Point A to Point B - THE RECIPE FOR MAGIC! This is what the From Amateur to Magician | Making Magic with Horses provides: The exact formula you need to get where you want to go with little to no overwhelm or information overload.


The final element is confidence, knowing you have dedicated support and coaching to help you customize my proven roadmap to your specific situation. This helps keep you accountable and maintains forward momentum.

We’re in this together! So if you’re frustrated with the current state of your human-horse relationship, I have a clear path to follow and unparalleled support to help you reach your goals.

How is this different from other things I have tried?

Great question! If you’re reading this right now, there’s about a 99.999% chance you’ve spent more than a fair amount of time and money trying to reach your human-horse relationship goals.There’s little doubt that you’ve clicked on countless ads, consumed more than a healthy dose of blogs or videos, and purchased more than a few courses - all from self-proclaimed experts and gurus who say they can help you understand how and why horses think and react the way they do, to create a relaxed and confident relationship overnight.

Heck, if you’re like most of my clients, you may have even invested a hefty amount in coaches, courses, and other training products... But you’re here because you’re most likely still struggling with conflicting data, lack of knowledge, and/or not knowing where to go for help... am I right?

Well here’s why: You’re likely not following a complete system or roadmap for doing ALL OF THE THINGS required in the right order, to get your human-horse relationship where you want it to be.

Instead of wasting your time stuck in a state of complete information overload, trying to duct tape together all the pieces required for success, my From Amateur to Magician | Making Magic with Horses Group coaching with live online support provides a crystal clear step-by-step pathway to reach your destination!

Are there refunds?

Great question! You're fully protected by our 100% guarantee. If you're in any way unhappy with this program, I'll personally reimburse your investment, no questions asked.

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